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مدرسة المرابع الإبتدائية الإماراتية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات

الثلاثاء 07/سبتمبر/2021 - 11:39 ص

تعلن مدرسة المرابع الإبتدائية الإماراتية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

 التقديم من خلال الذهاب إلى الرابط الآتي:

Supply Teachers at Ranches Primary School
Listed On: 5 September 2021
Expires On: 5 October 2021
Ranches Primary School is seeking to hire qualified Supply Teachers in Dubai.
Ranches Primary School
About us
Ranches Primary School is located in one of the fastest growing areas of Dubai offering a world class education right at the heart of the community. Excellent facilities enable high quality personalized learning and have been designed to meet the needs of individual children. Founded on the values of Resilience, Purpose and Success, RPS aims to nurture young learners into confident leaders of tomorrow. Our school is an environment where innovation and challenge underpins all that we do. The Early Years Foundation Stage, supplemented by specialist drama, sport and music activities, provides a secure foundation before progression to the UK independent school curriculum.

Current positions:

Supply Teachers
We currently invite qualified teachers to join our supply list. Supply Teachers are called in on an ad hoc basis, when cover is required. This may be through an advance booking, or, at short notice to work the odd day to week blocks.

We are also looking for those who have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. English fluency is essential.

To Apply
Interested applicants must include the following in their application.

A full CV which includes:

Reference to all educational degrees, certificates and training
All work experience by date
A list of at least three referees, one of which who is in a direct supervisory capacity. This list should include email address, and work and mobile phone numbers of each referee.
A recent photo
Interested applicants, should forward a full CV in the submission form below.


While we thank all candidates, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted via email.